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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Click Here and Unlock 100×100 Farms! NOT!

So you have found a group or page promising you thousands of Farm Cash, Pink Elephants or massive farm expansions? All you have to do is join and invite all of your friends? Wow this is great! Except it’s not, it’s a total scam. Read on to find out why and what you can do to prevent this!

This guide was created to prevent users of FarmVille from being scammed and cheated by the massive influx of fake groups on Facebook. ALL of the FarmVille groups designed to get (items, Farm Cash, unreleased items, extra coops, etc…) are fakes. The only way to get these things (you can’t get unreleased or extra coops, this is cheating and/or using glitches) is to play the game and buy Farm Cash from the official FarmVille game buying section or get your friends to gift you items from the game (none of the Facebook apps claiming to gift villas or anything else are real!) and lastly to enter OFFICIAL contests that are ONLY available on the official Zynga/FarmVille forums located here: FarmVille Forums

Note: Recently Zynga has begun giving out minor free items like trees and experience points on your notifications. These are real, no others are.

It isn’t hard to work out the fakes if you know what to look for, any of the below are obvious signs that this is a fake group.

1.Become a fan/member and suggest/Invite All your Friends (any group requiring this is fake and not worth your time)

2.Once (insert random number) of your friends join you will receive the item/s

3.If you do not invite friends you will not get (random item being promised)

4.Over half of your friends must join

5.Please wait up to 1 day for (insert random “free” thing) to be applied

6.Please wait up to (random number) of hours for (promised item)

7.Join to unlock (26×26, 30×30 or 40×40, etc…) farms!

8.Join and receive a Pink Elephant! (Or any other unreleased animals and/or items)

9.Etc… If it looks too good to be true, IT IS.

All of the groups that do these are fakes designed to spam you with junk or get you to buy fake programs. Some people sell the groups once they get thousands of members. So keep an eye out for all of these signs and you can avoid being taken advantage of. If you are in doubt, just check here and ask.

Note: There are plenty of groups designed to help you do things like barn raising, posting links to share and helping you out with tips and adding friends. These are legit and the main reason being that they simply rely on the game sharing system, no other applications and no need to “invite all your friends” to the group in order to do stuff.

Note: Some sites (like ours) offer legit contests that can award you prizes like a free Mystery Box. We do this buy sending them through the game and spending real money on these ourselves. We do not offer everyone who visits our site free Farm Cash or gifts, you will always need to use good judgment in deciding what is and isn’t real. If you cannot tell, feel free to ask us or ask in the official forums for advice. Always remember the adage that if it sounds or looks too good to be true, it almost certainly is.

FarmVille Secrets
You are bound to come across this (and several other similar FarmVille books) anywhere you look on Facebook or FarmVille sites. Many of the free farm cash groups/pages are designed with no other purpose than to point you to these FarmVille Secrets sites. They are offering a book of tips and secrets that will propel you to the top in days! Unfortunately there are no secrets to be had, only some basic tips and such that you can get for free on many sites including our own. We recommend avoiding these since they want you to pay money and are basically lying about what the books contain. No matter the price they offer, it isn’t worth it!

Here are some examples of the “book” they will be trying to sell you, remember these are by no means the only ones. There are no official strategy or cheat books currently and most non official ones are no more than scams or PDF files you will be emailed with basic stuff you could find here or anywhere on the internet.

Note: While we do not suggest buying these as it is hard to determine if they are legit or will even send you ANYTHING, you may notice advertisements for some of these on our site via Google ads or otherwise. We do not screen our ads (unless there is pg-13+ content in them) and do not refuse legitimate offers to run these ads on our site to pay for hosting. We suggest you decide wisely based on the information we have provided if you still want to purchase them.

(From FarmVille Fanatic)


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