Cafe World VIP Dinner!
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Now you can serve up some VIP in your cafe everyday! Just click on each dinner, and you're on your way to making some serious money Cafe style!
Note: The links work only once per day, so be sure to come back!
Still hungry? Have some more:
A bonus dinner... click here!
Hopefully, these links will work for you every 24 hours.
If they do not work (and who knows when Zynga will cease this, so knock yourselves out while you can), another method is to get the Facebook user id number of a friend that plays too by going to their profile, look at the URL that’s in your address bar at the top of your browser window and copy the numbers at the end after ?id=.
Copy the number, come back here and click on one of the platters. Once it opens, look on the url where it says “from=0″, change the 0 to the ID of your friend and go to the page. Continue this process with each platter. I know it seems like a lot, but it is well worth it, because the VIP Dinners pay out a lot. Enjoy!
Thank you! :)
Gives automated VIP dinner for cafe world in a single visit.
Still works, you just need to place a neighbor's Facebook ID right after the "0" in the link!
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